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Unacceptable deaths: No Woman should die giving life

Unacceptable deaths: No Woman should die giving life


Unacceptable deaths: No Woman should die giving life

calendar_today 09 October 2009

"Safe motherhood should be an option or an ideal, but a devoted policy by all communities". Her Excellency Mrs. Jeannette Kagame, First Lady of the Republic of Rwanda and White Ribbon alliance Rwanda patron.

According to latest estimates by the African Union, there will be 2.5 million maternal deaths, another 2.5 million child deaths and 49 million maternal disabilities in Africa alone over the next 10 years if urgent action is not taken.

It is in this line that the First Lady of the Republic of Rwanda, Her Excellency Jeannette Kagame has launched the Campaign on Accelerated Reduction of Maternal Mortality in Africa (CARMMA) this Wednesday October 7th, 2009 at Serena Hotel from 8:30 am.

The theme of the campaign is: "No woman should die giving life".

That launch was combined with White Ribbon Alliance (WRA) for Safe Motherhood General Assembly during which the call to stop potential death sentence due to complications of pregnancy and childbirth was made.

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